Kahoora boys

Kahoora boys

Kahoora Boys are Ugandan Duo Stage Performing Artist from Western Region, Kahoora Boys is with two Artist, Sinex Kaliba And Mafresh Badman.

Sinex Kaliba’s Birthday Name Is Wekitinisa Dickens”, Born Nov 22nd, 1996. Our family migrated from Kasese and decided to be in Hoima Buraru subcounty Busanga parish before he was born.

So Am Amwamba by tribe baitu nkazalirwa Bunyoro that’s why i know Runyoro and don’t know Rwamba. My nusary was at YANA p/s,P1-p4 at HOIMA TOWN MOSQUE P/S, P5-p7 at TRINITY P/S, Senior 1-S2 BUHANIKA SEED SS n S3-S4 KITARA SS N This was nusary 2002 and s4 2013.

Mafresh Badman Birthday is Called Abigaba Godfrey aka Mafresh badman, Born 3rd March 2000. He did schooling at Kibiro primary school and High School at Green Shoots Secondary School. He was in Kibiro Hoima district. Kahoora Boys are Generals in Hip pop,Afrobeat ,R&B and Dancehall.
